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Rule 11.K
It is a fault if a player contacts the net post while the ball is in play.

Rule 11.K.1
A ball contacting the net, the net cable, or rope between the net posts remains in play.

Rule 11.L.2
If the ball travels between the net and the net post, it is a fault against the striking player.

Rule 11.M. and 11.M.1 and 11.M.2
A player may return the ball around the outside of the net post.

The Ball Doesn't Have To Go Over The Net For Reals
Rule 11.M.1.
The ball does not need to travel back over the net.

Rule 11.M.2.
There is no restriction on the height of the return, meaning a player may return the ball around the net post below the height of the net.
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